Monday, April 28, 2008

Chuck Baldwin for President

Well, folks, we now have a Constitution Party nominee for President, and he's not Alan Keyes. He is Chuck Baldwin! While I will personally be spending as little time as possible on supporting this candidacy, it still might be worthwhile to be able to say "I'm supporting Chuck Baldwin for Prez" so your friends can ask "Why?" and you can give them some education in the Biblical worldview.

Of course, with a pro-amnesty, pro-100-year-war, pro-gay marriage "Republican" as his opponent, Mr. Baldwin just might be able to change some people's minds on their ever-present allegiance to the Demopublican Party and its war games.

But this allegiance is part of why I do not intend to become dramatically involved in Chuck Baldwin's campaign. It simply is not profitable most of the time to try to convince people of their error in working for the "lesser" of two evils. People can always say (and always have), "but what if Obama et. al. gets in?"

Oh well. Hopefully, we as Americans will one day realize the real battle must be for righteousness and principle, not for "the better candidate."

From Josiah

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