Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Update all around

Well, I found a good idea for the Ron Paul campaign on a blog called "Nation Builder." It is that Ron Paul should challenge McCain to a debate, in return for donating 1 million dollars to his favorite charity in return. Check it out!

Also, while I had not been looking forward to diving into the Chuck Baldwin campaign myself, I suddenly realized that because of my office in the SC Constitution Party I have a responsibility to work to organize stuff for Chuck Baldwin in South Carolina at least. Somehow God keeps pointing me back to the political field, even when I try to do other things. :-) So I contacted the national campaign, and they told me their main strategy right now is getting Ron Paul meetup groups on board.

I will Lord-willing be working with Ted Adams on an email to circulate, to the effect of, "Which general election Presidential candidate actively campaigned for Ron Paul in South Carolina?" (answer: Chuck Baldwin) and "Which political party provided the most support for Ron Paul?" (answer: Constitution Party). I also made a temporary site for myself and whoever wants to use it until they get Chuck Baldwin's permanent site up: I might get a more official-sounding address for it later.

With the YCLA, we are hoping to begin going door-to-door for the Answers Magazines soon.

It looks like gold and silver are moving back up again. They were down for a while, but it is inevitable that they will keep going up overall. (Check the spot price ticker on the left-hand column for continuous updates.)

And finally, I will be having a music recital next Sunday, at a church near downtown Greenville. Email me at if you wish to attend. Thanks!

-R. Josiah Magnuson

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