Monday, September 29, 2008

Two Congressional Victories!

Wow! We recently had a couple of wonderful events in Congress.

First, Americans will now be allowed to get oil from the oceans off our own country. Nancy Pelosi's efforts to supposedly "save the planet" have evidently been defeated. :-p The ban on offshore drilling was not renewed, and will expire October 1st (this coming Wednesday). Sen. Jim DeMint described it as an "energy freedom day for America."

Also, perhaps even better, the socialistic plan to "bail out" the American economy for $700 billion dollars was unexpectedly defeated today in the House!!!! In reality, the goal of this bill had been to buy out the banks and mortgage institutions, giving control over all commerce to the Federal government. The vote was 205 for, 228 against. The plan had been supported by President Bush and both major party presidential candidates.

However, the vote immediately caused the stock market to plunge toward a large crisis, so we might be seeing interesting days ahead for the economy. If I had any advice it would be for everyone to get their assets into precious metals and/or other tangible investments they can trade or use to provide things for themselves they can trade with. In other words, cash and other "funds" are not going to be dependable much longer. There have been people saying similar things for a long time, but it is different when it is actually occuring right before our very eyes!

The best thing about the economic problems is that people will begin needing to look to Something Greater than their pocketbooks to provide for them. And in America, it would truly be a great benefit for us to do so.

-R. Josiah Magnuson

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