Sunday, February 11, 2007

Compromise with Evolution doesn't work

(Taken from the Answers In Genesis Weekly Update)

Q: When someone rejects Genesis, will they then reject the whole Bible?

A: The following is a terrible warning for the church today as to what happens when one compromises on the Word of God.

In the 1950s, a famous evangelist named Charles Templeton received wide media attention across America. Great crowds flocked to hear him. Large numbers of people came forward when he challenged them to trust Christ.

But in 1994 he published a book called Farewell to God in which he totally rejected the Christian faith. He died a few years ago as a man embittered against the Christian faith.

What happened to Templeton is a warning for us all today. He went to Princeton University and was taught to believe in the evolutionary teaching of “millions of years.” He recognized that if this were true, then God used death, bloodshed, suffering and disease for millions of years as part of His creative process—and then called this very good.

All through his book, Templeton wrote that there can’t be a God of love because of all the death and suffering in the world. The teaching of “millions of years” destroyed Templeton. Don’t compromise, as he did, and destroy your faith.

For more information about Templeton, see The slippery slide to unbelief.

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