Thursday, May 24, 2007

More REAL-ID and so forth

I spent most of the day sending out e-mails to SC legislators asking them to 1. help us detach the wierd Aeronautics bill from S. 449 and 2. support S. 449 when it comes up for a vote. The e-mails were written by my Dad, and read as follows:

Dear Honorable and Esteemed Mr. _______,

Thank you for all your work to make S.C. the best state in the union!

Please understand how unhappy we are that Bill 3155 is attached to the Senate Bill 449.

Please HELP detach the Aeronautics Bill #3155 from Senate Bill 449 (the NO Real ID).

We want a true hearing and vote on this vastly more important Bill regarding our freedoms, our states rights, our constitution, and of course our privacy.

This is also a religious issue for many of us. We do not believe we should be allowing the federal government to force you at the state level to give us a chip which has all of our information on it and can be read by a "common" reader, and that this should take the place of our great driving licenses!

This is a privacy issue.
This is a constitutional issue.
This is a states right issue.
This is a religious issue.
This is a freedom issue.

Please, please take WHATEVER steps necessary to detach 449 from encumbrances with other bills and give it a fair hearing and vote in the house.

The aeronautics Bill may be a fine bill, but it needs to go to the Senate on it's own merits.
Thank you so much for your time. Please in conclusion may I ask you, will you vote for the Senate Bill 449? We would greatly appreciate it! Please stand with us opposing unconstitutional power grabs like this one.

Your faithful fellow citizen,
Roy Magnuson

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