It looks like we again won the battle against amnesty for illegals! The cloture vote was defeated for the second time out of three tries. Not sure why they needed three cloture votes... :-)
There is very little time left before the legislative year's end, and hopefully the Senate Grahamnesties and (Mc)Cains will be forced to work on the budget from now on.
Keep tuned to updates on this fight at Tom Tancredo's blog.
Thanks! From Josiah
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Business Cards
My family is having a yard sale this week, and I have been able to give out a whole bunch of cards with this website on one side and Ron Paul for President on the other.
There is a great demand for Ron Paul literature in our area. Maybe we should be selling this stuff instead of giving it! :-) If we make DVDs we will indeed be selling them.
Here are pictures of the cards:

There is a great demand for Ron Paul literature in our area. Maybe we should be selling this stuff instead of giving it! :-) If we make DVDs we will indeed be selling them.
Here are pictures of the cards:
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Freedom Documents
From Chuck Baldwin
A few years ago, I sadly discovered that it was next to impossible to find our nation's great historic documents together in one volume, so we decided to fix that problem. It took us a full year to research and compile over 50 of our country's greatest historical documents, but we did it!
Read more here.
A few years ago, I sadly discovered that it was next to impossible to find our nation's great historic documents together in one volume, so we decided to fix that problem. It took us a full year to research and compile over 50 of our country's greatest historical documents, but we did it!
Read more here.
Great finds from outer space
Here is a link for a site with a whole bunch of pics from outer space; I used some of them, along with some from the site and a couple other places to make a (test-type) slideshow of Psalm 19. Thanks! From Josiah
Romans 8:1-19
I will Lord-willing be posting Bible passages here every week or so. I had wanted to do so for a long time, but always forgot... :-)
There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death. For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh: that the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.
For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit. For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.
But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. (Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.) And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness.
But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you.
Therefore, brethren, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live after the flesh. For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live.
For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.
There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death. For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh: that the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.
For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit. For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.
But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. (Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.) And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness.
But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you.
Therefore, brethren, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live after the flesh. For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live.
For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Dragons: Myth?
(From the Answers In Genesis Weekly E-News)
Q: Were dragons just mythical creatures?
A: We’ve all heard of dragon legends—they’ve been collected for generations from different cultures all around the world. Many have thought these are just mythical stories, but the evidence suggests that dragons were real creatures.
Think about this: why do we find Flood legends from cultures around the world? The secular world claims it’s because people down through the ages have seen floods. But many of these flood legends have several elements similar to the account of Noah’s Flood in the Bible. The flood legends are really changed accounts of the original—the one recorded in the Bible—handed down through the ages.
In a similar way, dragon legends are based on encounters with real animals—most likely dinosaurs (a word that had not been coined yet). The legends have likely been somewhat embellished over generations, but they probably refer to real animals that today we call “dinosaurs.” And according to the Bible, dinosaurs once lived in the Garden of Eden—alongside Adam and Eve.
For more information, see Dinosaurs and dragons: stamping on the legends.
(I will Lord-willing be featuring these articles again here if I can remember :-). -Josiah)
Q: Were dragons just mythical creatures?
A: We’ve all heard of dragon legends—they’ve been collected for generations from different cultures all around the world. Many have thought these are just mythical stories, but the evidence suggests that dragons were real creatures.
Think about this: why do we find Flood legends from cultures around the world? The secular world claims it’s because people down through the ages have seen floods. But many of these flood legends have several elements similar to the account of Noah’s Flood in the Bible. The flood legends are really changed accounts of the original—the one recorded in the Bible—handed down through the ages.
In a similar way, dragon legends are based on encounters with real animals—most likely dinosaurs (a word that had not been coined yet). The legends have likely been somewhat embellished over generations, but they probably refer to real animals that today we call “dinosaurs.” And according to the Bible, dinosaurs once lived in the Garden of Eden—alongside Adam and Eve.
For more information, see Dinosaurs and dragons: stamping on the legends.
(I will Lord-willing be featuring these articles again here if I can remember :-). -Josiah)
Favorite speakers
My favorite speaker from the conference would have to be Roan Garcia-Quintata.
His big line the first night was that God was not his "Co-pilot" but his Pilot. I clapped three or four times before anyone joined me... Whatever.
My second favorite was Dr. Paul Dean who spoke on Evolution. ~wink~
His big line the first night was that God was not his "Co-pilot" but his Pilot. I clapped three or four times before anyone joined me... Whatever.
My second favorite was Dr. Paul Dean who spoke on Evolution. ~wink~
My contact info
For those of you who are visiting this site in reciept of a business card from me at the conference this past week, you may wish to write my e-mail and/or phone number on the back of the card. (I am still working on a final design for the card and the one I gave out did not have that information.)
Phone #: 420-7933
Thanks! From Jos
Phone #: 420-7933
Thanks! From Jos
Forum archiving for future days
Liberty In Law
Evolution and relativism
« on: June 12, 2007, 04:58:39 pm »
A fundamental error in society is the unfounded belief in Evolution. This belief underlies many of the attacks on our freedoms, because it denies the existence of a Creator to which an individual is responsible. There can be no future state of rewards and punishments if Evolution is correct; nor can there be any absolute or certain standard of Law or rights. The highest good becomes winning the universal contest for supremacy.
It should not be surprising that some of the greatest tyrannies in history were formed under this logic. Adolf Hitler was an Evolutionist; and so were Joseph Stalin, Benito Mussollini, and Mao Tse-Tung.
With the introduction of the teaching of Evolution as fact in schools (which it certainly is not; see for instance our culture and government began to plummet as well.For more info, please visit my website,
Thanks! -R. Josiah Magnuson
Re: Evolution and relativism
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2007, 09:26:24 pm »
Quote from: Liberty In Law on June 12, 2007, 04:58:39 pm
There can be no future state of rewards and punishments if Evolution is correct; nor can there be any absolute or certain standard of Law or rights. The highest good becomes winning the universal contest for supremacy.
While I don't disagree, one could argue that the many faces of religion, each defending their own ideals of Creator, don't lend themselves too well to absolute or certain standard of Law or rights any more than evolution.
"Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between man and his God, that he owes account to none other for is faith or his worship, that the legislative powers of government reach actions only, and not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should "make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof," thus building a wall of separation between Church and State. Adhering to this expression of the supreme will of the nation in behalf of the rights of conscience, I shall see with sincere satisfaction the progress of those sentiments which tend to restore to man all his natural rights, convinced he has no natural right in opposition to his social duties." Thomas Jefferson
Perhaps the argument isn't so much about evolution being taught in schools as it is about the institution of public school.
Re: Evolution and relativism
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2007, 10:06:35 pm »
Although I find the Evolution v. Creation debate somewhat of a mute point, and not the most pressing issue when it comes to restoring our republic, it is rather fascinating. I believe in God, and that there is strong evidence for intelligent design of our world and universe.
Still, I also believe in evolution and the evolutionary process (yet with intelligence behind it). Really, evolution is a theory, that has not been completely proven, and creation is a faith based theory, that doesn't necessarily or typically have a scientific foundation. Yet, many Christians, or faiths, say that since all truth is God's truth, and scientific truth is in that realm, then faith and science should not be in conflict, but rather agreement.
There are creation approaches that I cannot agree with (like the literal seven 24hr day idea - and that the Earth is at best only 7,000 years old). That is why I could hold a stance that evolution could very well be the correct scientific theory for how our universe and earth were formed, but that it was directed with intelligent design.
Still, that is not the real debate here. The debate is that neither theory or approach gives any moral backing for social conduct in the world we find ourselves in. This could be a long debate.
Still, I find that there is significant difference on the significance of social moral conduct. Believing that everything just happened by chance and without intelligent design leaves a moral void which then relies on man's individual creation of a moral code, which seems to become rather relative. Yet, if we believe that there is intelligent design that created (through evolution) where and who we are, ingrained with a social moral code (that seems to have been greatly perverted and made relative by man), then there is a basis that does not change, that is not relative, and that gives a foundation for humanity and how we should treat one another and our world.
I see it as not just affecting a need for a relationship with the creator, but also our relationship with each other and places a sense of accountability, calling, and responsibility. If what is happening to our country and the world, with the NWO, the powerful taking control of the "weak", etc., then why fight it? Maybe it's just a part of the evolutionary process, etc.
Do you get my point? Anyway, I'm sure I could say a lot more, but I think I've said plenty, and again, it's not really an essential issue for fighting evil, bringing justice, and restoring our republic. What do you think?
Re: Evolution and relativism
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2007, 01:01:01 am »
Quote from: Conte on June 12, 2007, 10:06:35 pm
If what is happening to our country and the world, with the NWO, the powerful taking control of the "weak", etc., then why fight it? Maybe it's just a part of the evolutionary process, etc.
Part of an evolutionary process? Probably. But a NWO? led by who? Quis custodiate ipsos custodus?
I'll accept a one world government ...... as long as it's not run by humans.
Liberty In Law
Re: Evolution and relativism
« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2007, 08:42:13 am »
Quote Modify Remove
If what is happening to our country and the world, with the NWO, the powerful taking control of the "weak", etc., then why fight it? Maybe it's just a part of the evolutionary process, etc.
Thanks, Conte. You just wrapped up my whole comment!
However, you still say that Evolution vs. Creation is a mute point. This I don't understand. You are taking two positions at once.
One either believes in God, His Words, and His moral standard, or one does not. There is no middle ground, since what is at stake is the existence of absolutes. One cannot believe absolutes are both important and unimportant, correct? And so if absolutes in fact exist and there is a true right and wrong, those who attempt to discredit those absolutes are committing a serious offense indeed. It is my opinion that the struggle against Evolution (and every other system which teaches naturalism and relativism) is the most important of them all; for without a Creator we have no rights and no moral cause for liberty.
Can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are the gift of God? -Thomas Jefferson
Thanks! From R. Josiah Magnuson
Re: Evolution and relativism
« Reply #5 on: June 13, 2007, 09:37:48 pm »
Point taken, Liberty In Law. I agree with you, but at this juncture in the most pressing issues for even beginning to defeat the NWO, the Evolution / Creation debate is not going to go far for a while. There has to be a major shift in thinking that is not going to happen overnight (not that anything happens overnight anyway).
With the growing number of people who do not believe in God, or have no understanding of how the Creation / Evolution debate affects everything else (because it really is an issue of Theism vs. Atheism), then I feel the best we can do right now, with things so dire and happening so fast, is to try to plead to peoples' sense of goodness, rights, freedom, etc. We can't necessarily expect everyone to connect those things as being grounded in the existence of God.
Our culture and society is jsut so screwed up, and it takes baby steps. I do not mean to say that this issue is not important or essential, but I don't think that arguing this issue is going to get us very far right now. Hope you understand what I'm trying to say...
Liberty In Law
Re: Evolution and relativism
« Reply #6 on: June 13, 2007, 10:29:29 pm »
Yes, Comte, I understand your position. I agree that there are still many people in our nation who believe in God, and thus we should work with what we've got, and so forth. However, the deal is that many of these people have been lulled into a subdued existence where nothing matters anyway, due to the Evolutionary relativism which is constantly in the back of their minds. If we could show them that Evolution is actually wrong and they and their friends do actually have absolute rights to fight for, we would be getting much further along in our fight for freedom.
Evolution not only takes away the moral standard, it takes away the people's desire to work for this ("non-existent") standard.
We do not only need justice, we need courage. We do not only need freedom, we need awakening from apathy. For these, we need a renewed trust in our Creator; and we need to remember our heritage and grand Providential beginnings. As our U.S. Congress declared fifty years ago, the real identity of America may be summed up in four simple words:
-R. Josiah Magnuson
Evolution and relativism
« on: June 12, 2007, 04:58:39 pm »
A fundamental error in society is the unfounded belief in Evolution. This belief underlies many of the attacks on our freedoms, because it denies the existence of a Creator to which an individual is responsible. There can be no future state of rewards and punishments if Evolution is correct; nor can there be any absolute or certain standard of Law or rights. The highest good becomes winning the universal contest for supremacy.
It should not be surprising that some of the greatest tyrannies in history were formed under this logic. Adolf Hitler was an Evolutionist; and so were Joseph Stalin, Benito Mussollini, and Mao Tse-Tung.
With the introduction of the teaching of Evolution as fact in schools (which it certainly is not; see for instance our culture and government began to plummet as well.For more info, please visit my website,
Thanks! -R. Josiah Magnuson
Re: Evolution and relativism
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2007, 09:26:24 pm »
Quote from: Liberty In Law on June 12, 2007, 04:58:39 pm
There can be no future state of rewards and punishments if Evolution is correct; nor can there be any absolute or certain standard of Law or rights. The highest good becomes winning the universal contest for supremacy.
While I don't disagree, one could argue that the many faces of religion, each defending their own ideals of Creator, don't lend themselves too well to absolute or certain standard of Law or rights any more than evolution.
"Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between man and his God, that he owes account to none other for is faith or his worship, that the legislative powers of government reach actions only, and not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should "make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof," thus building a wall of separation between Church and State. Adhering to this expression of the supreme will of the nation in behalf of the rights of conscience, I shall see with sincere satisfaction the progress of those sentiments which tend to restore to man all his natural rights, convinced he has no natural right in opposition to his social duties." Thomas Jefferson
Perhaps the argument isn't so much about evolution being taught in schools as it is about the institution of public school.
Re: Evolution and relativism
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2007, 10:06:35 pm »
Although I find the Evolution v. Creation debate somewhat of a mute point, and not the most pressing issue when it comes to restoring our republic, it is rather fascinating. I believe in God, and that there is strong evidence for intelligent design of our world and universe.
Still, I also believe in evolution and the evolutionary process (yet with intelligence behind it). Really, evolution is a theory, that has not been completely proven, and creation is a faith based theory, that doesn't necessarily or typically have a scientific foundation. Yet, many Christians, or faiths, say that since all truth is God's truth, and scientific truth is in that realm, then faith and science should not be in conflict, but rather agreement.
There are creation approaches that I cannot agree with (like the literal seven 24hr day idea - and that the Earth is at best only 7,000 years old). That is why I could hold a stance that evolution could very well be the correct scientific theory for how our universe and earth were formed, but that it was directed with intelligent design.
Still, that is not the real debate here. The debate is that neither theory or approach gives any moral backing for social conduct in the world we find ourselves in. This could be a long debate.
Still, I find that there is significant difference on the significance of social moral conduct. Believing that everything just happened by chance and without intelligent design leaves a moral void which then relies on man's individual creation of a moral code, which seems to become rather relative. Yet, if we believe that there is intelligent design that created (through evolution) where and who we are, ingrained with a social moral code (that seems to have been greatly perverted and made relative by man), then there is a basis that does not change, that is not relative, and that gives a foundation for humanity and how we should treat one another and our world.
I see it as not just affecting a need for a relationship with the creator, but also our relationship with each other and places a sense of accountability, calling, and responsibility. If what is happening to our country and the world, with the NWO, the powerful taking control of the "weak", etc., then why fight it? Maybe it's just a part of the evolutionary process, etc.
Do you get my point? Anyway, I'm sure I could say a lot more, but I think I've said plenty, and again, it's not really an essential issue for fighting evil, bringing justice, and restoring our republic. What do you think?
Re: Evolution and relativism
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2007, 01:01:01 am »
Quote from: Conte on June 12, 2007, 10:06:35 pm
If what is happening to our country and the world, with the NWO, the powerful taking control of the "weak", etc., then why fight it? Maybe it's just a part of the evolutionary process, etc.
Part of an evolutionary process? Probably. But a NWO? led by who? Quis custodiate ipsos custodus?
I'll accept a one world government ...... as long as it's not run by humans.
Liberty In Law
Re: Evolution and relativism
« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2007, 08:42:13 am »
Quote Modify Remove
If what is happening to our country and the world, with the NWO, the powerful taking control of the "weak", etc., then why fight it? Maybe it's just a part of the evolutionary process, etc.
Thanks, Conte. You just wrapped up my whole comment!
However, you still say that Evolution vs. Creation is a mute point. This I don't understand. You are taking two positions at once.
One either believes in God, His Words, and His moral standard, or one does not. There is no middle ground, since what is at stake is the existence of absolutes. One cannot believe absolutes are both important and unimportant, correct? And so if absolutes in fact exist and there is a true right and wrong, those who attempt to discredit those absolutes are committing a serious offense indeed. It is my opinion that the struggle against Evolution (and every other system which teaches naturalism and relativism) is the most important of them all; for without a Creator we have no rights and no moral cause for liberty.
Can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are the gift of God? -Thomas Jefferson
Thanks! From R. Josiah Magnuson
Re: Evolution and relativism
« Reply #5 on: June 13, 2007, 09:37:48 pm »
Point taken, Liberty In Law. I agree with you, but at this juncture in the most pressing issues for even beginning to defeat the NWO, the Evolution / Creation debate is not going to go far for a while. There has to be a major shift in thinking that is not going to happen overnight (not that anything happens overnight anyway).
With the growing number of people who do not believe in God, or have no understanding of how the Creation / Evolution debate affects everything else (because it really is an issue of Theism vs. Atheism), then I feel the best we can do right now, with things so dire and happening so fast, is to try to plead to peoples' sense of goodness, rights, freedom, etc. We can't necessarily expect everyone to connect those things as being grounded in the existence of God.
Our culture and society is jsut so screwed up, and it takes baby steps. I do not mean to say that this issue is not important or essential, but I don't think that arguing this issue is going to get us very far right now. Hope you understand what I'm trying to say...
Liberty In Law
Re: Evolution and relativism
« Reply #6 on: June 13, 2007, 10:29:29 pm »
Yes, Comte, I understand your position. I agree that there are still many people in our nation who believe in God, and thus we should work with what we've got, and so forth. However, the deal is that many of these people have been lulled into a subdued existence where nothing matters anyway, due to the Evolutionary relativism which is constantly in the back of their minds. If we could show them that Evolution is actually wrong and they and their friends do actually have absolute rights to fight for, we would be getting much further along in our fight for freedom.
Evolution not only takes away the moral standard, it takes away the people's desire to work for this ("non-existent") standard.
We do not only need justice, we need courage. We do not only need freedom, we need awakening from apathy. For these, we need a renewed trust in our Creator; and we need to remember our heritage and grand Providential beginnings. As our U.S. Congress declared fifty years ago, the real identity of America may be summed up in four simple words:
-R. Josiah Magnuson
Friday, June 22, 2007
More Chuck Baldwin comments
Chuck Baldwin has a number of wonderful ideas. Tonight he seemed to be more like his old self of anti-sin and pro-righteousness. That is good.
However, at the root of my still-intact discomfort with him may essentially be traced to his belief that we have a Biblical mandate to "preserve" the culture as "salt." We almost certainly do not have a Biblical mandate to preserve the culture and so on. We have a mandate to "season" and "enlighten" the culture. This is because cultures are naturally corrupt. Why would God tell us to preserve something that was already rotted?
No, salt is used in the context of flavoring or spicing, and in the context of light as enlightening. The saltifying and enlightening clearly refer to the same thing.
Discussing this idea with someone last night, it was asked me if I had given up hope.
Of course I could not give up hope; rather, my fleeting vision in the American Empire (not real hope anyway) becomes a complete trust and firm reliance on God. Does anyone realize the promise of God in Proverbs 3?
In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.
Is there anyone who really thinks that God will not do what is best for us?
All things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.
We may as well do what God says. We may as well work with renewed courage to enlighten and spice the culture, rather than fight a losing battle to preserve and hold down the culture!
In any event, I am glad that Chuck Baldwin did not refer to the battle of America vs. Globalism as fundamental again tonight.
-R. Josiah Magnuson
However, at the root of my still-intact discomfort with him may essentially be traced to his belief that we have a Biblical mandate to "preserve" the culture as "salt." We almost certainly do not have a Biblical mandate to preserve the culture and so on. We have a mandate to "season" and "enlighten" the culture. This is because cultures are naturally corrupt. Why would God tell us to preserve something that was already rotted?
No, salt is used in the context of flavoring or spicing, and in the context of light as enlightening. The saltifying and enlightening clearly refer to the same thing.
Discussing this idea with someone last night, it was asked me if I had given up hope.
Of course I could not give up hope; rather, my fleeting vision in the American Empire (not real hope anyway) becomes a complete trust and firm reliance on God. Does anyone realize the promise of God in Proverbs 3?
In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.
Is there anyone who really thinks that God will not do what is best for us?
All things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.
We may as well do what God says. We may as well work with renewed courage to enlighten and spice the culture, rather than fight a losing battle to preserve and hold down the culture!
In any event, I am glad that Chuck Baldwin did not refer to the battle of America vs. Globalism as fundamental again tonight.
-R. Josiah Magnuson
We just got out a whole bunch (15 actually) of DVDs regarding the recent REAL-ID battle! We were given donations for nine of them, and six we gave away free to key speakers and activists (at the Chuck Baldwin conference.) Thanks a lot to Pastor Romo for announcing the DVDs. :-)
There will certainly be more of these to come in the next week, hopefully an even better (and more professional-looking) edition.
It may be that a guy from the AFTF network, Sam Ettaro, will be able to do a full feature-film style video for us and them. We would have to work out the details of that though.
There will certainly be more of these to come in the next week, hopefully an even better (and more professional-looking) edition.
It may be that a guy from the AFTF network, Sam Ettaro, will be able to do a full feature-film style video for us and them. We would have to work out the details of that though.
IOTC conference with Roy Moore, etc.
Here is an article on a conference to be held by the IOTC.
Dear Friends of the Constitutional Republic:
Just a short note, please, to remind you that it's less than two weeks until our early July conference featuring Alabama Supreme Court Justice Roy Moore from whom (and other excellent speakers) you will learn the correct meaning of the phrase "Separation of Church and State" and the proper, historic role of the clergy in the formation/preservation of the American Constitutional Republic.
Here at "The American View" and "Institution On The Constitution," we have gone to great lengths to set this table for you. Please accept our invitation to come and feast on this gathering of great witnesses for God in our time.
Come and meet men like Chief Justice Moore who, by God's grace, defied a federal court order that violated God's law and the U.S. and Alabama Constitutions.
Come and meet the Chaplain who dared to pray in the name of Jesus despite an illegal instruction that he could not do so.
Come and meet Dr. Herb Titus who defended Michael New; the soldier who said he would not obey the unconstitutional order to wear a United Nations uniform.
Come and learn how to articulate the true, proper meaning of "Separation of Church and State".
Come and see (and hear) a former Presidential candidate who, if elected, would have prosecuted abortionists, closed the Department of Education, and abolished the IRS (just for starters).
Come and meet a current justice of the Supreme Court of Alabama.
Come on! Space is limited! You need to be here and you know it! We've used donations to make it as inexpensive as we can. But you know it's priceless!
If you think you have a legitimate excuse for NOT being here, you need to call me and get a waiver.
Click here, please, for details on our conference.
For God, Family and the Republic,
Michael A. Peroutka
Dear Friends of the Constitutional Republic:
Just a short note, please, to remind you that it's less than two weeks until our early July conference featuring Alabama Supreme Court Justice Roy Moore from whom (and other excellent speakers) you will learn the correct meaning of the phrase "Separation of Church and State" and the proper, historic role of the clergy in the formation/preservation of the American Constitutional Republic.
Here at "The American View" and "Institution On The Constitution," we have gone to great lengths to set this table for you. Please accept our invitation to come and feast on this gathering of great witnesses for God in our time.
Come and meet men like Chief Justice Moore who, by God's grace, defied a federal court order that violated God's law and the U.S. and Alabama Constitutions.
Come and meet the Chaplain who dared to pray in the name of Jesus despite an illegal instruction that he could not do so.
Come and meet Dr. Herb Titus who defended Michael New; the soldier who said he would not obey the unconstitutional order to wear a United Nations uniform.
Come and learn how to articulate the true, proper meaning of "Separation of Church and State".
Come and see (and hear) a former Presidential candidate who, if elected, would have prosecuted abortionists, closed the Department of Education, and abolished the IRS (just for starters).
Come and meet a current justice of the Supreme Court of Alabama.
Come on! Space is limited! You need to be here and you know it! We've used donations to make it as inexpensive as we can. But you know it's priceless!
If you think you have a legitimate excuse for NOT being here, you need to call me and get a waiver.
Click here, please, for details on our conference.
For God, Family and the Republic,
Michael A. Peroutka
The RTR Forum
Here is a good link to a good forum for issues of liberty:
I have been having a great debate there on Evolution and relativism. Here is the link directly to my topic (Index>What's your beef?>Evolution and relativism) once you register.
Thanks! -Jos
I have been having a great debate there on Evolution and relativism. Here is the link directly to my topic (Index>What's your beef?>Evolution and relativism) once you register.
Thanks! -Jos
C.S. Lewis on Purpose
On the note of the post below:
Aim at Heaven and you will get Earth "thrown in;" aim at Earth and you will get neither. It seems a strange rule, but something like it can be seen at work in other places. Health is a great blessing, but the moment you make health one of your main, direct objects, you start becoming a crank and imagining there is something wrong with you. You are only likely to get health provided you want other things more - food, games, work, fun, open air. In the same way, we shall never save civilization as long as civilization is our main object. We must learn to want something else even more.
-C. S. Lewis, Mere Christianity (Chapter 10), 1952
Aim at Heaven and you will get Earth "thrown in;" aim at Earth and you will get neither. It seems a strange rule, but something like it can be seen at work in other places. Health is a great blessing, but the moment you make health one of your main, direct objects, you start becoming a crank and imagining there is something wrong with you. You are only likely to get health provided you want other things more - food, games, work, fun, open air. In the same way, we shall never save civilization as long as civilization is our main object. We must learn to want something else even more.
-C. S. Lewis, Mere Christianity (Chapter 10), 1952
Chuck Baldwin conference review
Chuck Baldwin, a Pensacola-area pastor and radio talk-show host, and 2004 Constitution Party candidate for Vice-President, is speaking at the Greenville Hilton this week, from Wednesday to today.
Baldwin did OK the first night, but last night his speech was sadly similar to the general "Patriot" lines: "The fight is between America and globalism," "Guns are for protection against the government," "The American experiment must be sustained at all costs," and so on.
Baldwin we thought had traditionally been the one to say the opposite: "Fighting for America will do nothing," "The problem is in the pulpits," etc. So is he flip-flopping now? I don't know.
The battle for us as Biblicists is doubtless not for "America." It is for God and His Words. Everything else which we may fight for is only a by-product of this battle.
It is one thing to participate as a Christian in the fields of government or science or education. It is quite another to make any field your supreme Hope.
The real battle is something we often term here "The Worldview Wars." On one side is the worldview of trust in one's self and one's own ideas, and on the other is the worldview of trust in God alone. It is the difference between Creation and Evolution, between republics and democracies, and between Christianity and every other religion.
It is also the difference between freedom and tyranny.
It is thus my opinion that the only thing which will save America is to quit fighting for America, and start fighting for the God of America. What is the difference? The difference is "IN GOD WE TRUST" versus "Heil Hitler." That is the difference.
-R. Josiah Magnuson
Baldwin did OK the first night, but last night his speech was sadly similar to the general "Patriot" lines: "The fight is between America and globalism," "Guns are for protection against the government," "The American experiment must be sustained at all costs," and so on.
Baldwin we thought had traditionally been the one to say the opposite: "Fighting for America will do nothing," "The problem is in the pulpits," etc. So is he flip-flopping now? I don't know.
The battle for us as Biblicists is doubtless not for "America." It is for God and His Words. Everything else which we may fight for is only a by-product of this battle.
It is one thing to participate as a Christian in the fields of government or science or education. It is quite another to make any field your supreme Hope.
The real battle is something we often term here "The Worldview Wars." On one side is the worldview of trust in one's self and one's own ideas, and on the other is the worldview of trust in God alone. It is the difference between Creation and Evolution, between republics and democracies, and between Christianity and every other religion.
It is also the difference between freedom and tyranny.
It is thus my opinion that the only thing which will save America is to quit fighting for America, and start fighting for the God of America. What is the difference? The difference is "IN GOD WE TRUST" versus "Heil Hitler." That is the difference.
-R. Josiah Magnuson
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Is Creationism Un-Scientific?
Here is a link for a great article on the nature of science from Answers magazine - to which magazine you should be subscribed if you aren't yet. ~wink~ A sample of the article:
Ever heard one of these claims? Perhaps you’ve even said one yourself. Over the years, we’ve heard them all—but they’re all false, or at least they imply a falsehood.
Common claims by non-Christians:
“Science proves the Bible is wrong.”
“Evolution is science, but the Bible is religion.”
“Evolutionists believe in science, but creationists reject science.”
Common claims by Christians:
“I believe the Bible over science.”
“Creation is religion, but evolution is religion, too.”
“Creationists believe in the Bible and reject science.”
The Bible’s account of beginnings cannot be tested in a laboratory, so secular scientists—and even some Christians—believe it is not science and must be classified as religion.
BUT - click on this link!
Ever heard one of these claims? Perhaps you’ve even said one yourself. Over the years, we’ve heard them all—but they’re all false, or at least they imply a falsehood.
Common claims by non-Christians:
“Science proves the Bible is wrong.”
“Evolution is science, but the Bible is religion.”
“Evolutionists believe in science, but creationists reject science.”
Common claims by Christians:
“I believe the Bible over science.”
“Creation is religion, but evolution is religion, too.”
“Creationists believe in the Bible and reject science.”
The Bible’s account of beginnings cannot be tested in a laboratory, so secular scientists—and even some Christians—believe it is not science and must be classified as religion.
BUT - click on this link!
Governor Sanford with No-REAL-ID crew

Mark Sanford is in the middle at the desk. To his left is Senator Larry Martin (the original introducer of S. 449), and Eric Bedingfield (our main champion in the House.) Rep. Gloria Haskins and Nelson Waller are hidden behind them.
To the Governor's right are Vicki Simons, Paul Blakely, his wife Ilona, myself, Dr. Steven Yates (who authored the House resolution 3989), and Aaron Bolinger (the main leader for the whole effort). The black guy and the guy directly behind Sanford I am not sure of their identity.
You may see Lois Hackett just barely to the very left of the picture, holding my videocamera. The tip of Rahab's skirt is also visible.
I am very privileged to have been part of this effort. I very much appreciate my Dad for enabling me to go to Columbia, have tapes, and so forth! I am also thankful to Aaron Bolinger and Ilona Blakely, and all the rest of the team, for providing incredible leadership, ideas and contributions in so many ways!
With God's help, we have finally won this victory. I am convinced that we will be winning many more in the months and years ahead here in South Carolina.
-R. Josiah Magnuson
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Evolution vs. Real Liberty
We as Americans today are in the midst of a worldviews war - a war between two philosophies of what the nature of life is and how things really work. One battle in this war is the struggle over how freedom can best be created and maintained.
The Declaration of Independence tells us, “All men are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights…. To secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.”
Karx Marx in contrast believed in Communism, which, he stated, "abolishes eternal truths, it abolishes all religion, and all morality."
Another way to express "unalienable rights" or "eternal truths" is absolutes. In the Christian worldview, these absolutes are exemplified in the Ten Commandments. For instance, “Thou shalt not kill” is the right to life, “Thou shalt not steal” is the right to property and “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor” is the right to a fair trial. Everyone possesses these rights, and these rights are unalienable. They are the moral Law of God.
Societies based on the Christianity as the Bible directs - based on the Biblical absolutes and unalienable rights - have historically been free, republican organisms. This is because government under the Biblical model exists only to protect one from harm. Government is not inherently supreme over its citizens, as it must not overreach God's moral boundaries which apply to everyone.
Christ affirmed this idea when he declared, "Render to Caesar the things which are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's.(Mark 12:17, etc.)" Under the Biblical model, there are some things which positively cannot belong to Caesar.
On the other hand, Evolution teaches that there are no absolutes. Instead, it declares the universe to be one of change and chance, continuously morphing all its inhabitants and their ideals to match the need of the “fittest” race to survive and dominate. Even the idea of fitness eventually becomes ethereal, for Evolution has no prior intention of what fitness should be. “Fitness” is whatever is convenient to the perceived master race.
No individual rights can exist under Evolution. The right to life is contradicted, because Evolution is "each creature for itself." Killing is actually encouraged, because one must destroy rivals if one is to survive. The right to liberty is contradicted, because if enslaving others gives one an Evolutionary advantage, what is to oppose it? The right to property is virtually contradicted, since stealing would arguably give one more resources and energy in the battle for livelihood. The right to a fair trial disappears, as there is no need for justice in a world which knows only randomness and whim.
In short, government as viewed from the Evolutionary perspective creates itself, makes its own rules, and can only exist to dominate. If the State sees fit to grant or loan limited liberty to its weak, scrawny, less-evolved subjects, it is only to make them fall at its feet in gratitude. The State thus empowers itself further. This almighty “fit” State exists not to protect, but to subdue.
The only freedom which the worldview of Evolution grants is a twisted, distorted freedom. It is a freedom for Stalin to drive a sledgehammer into Trotsky’s head. It is a freedom for Hitler to force millions into death camps. It is a freedom for Mao to torture and kill anyone who would even dare to have his hairdo.
Evolutionary naturalism and the relative morality it produces are nothing to be defended. Rather, they should be opposed by anyone appreciating the American heritage of liberty and lawful, composed government.
-R. Josiah Magnuson
Note: The above is a summarization of my research paper which won second runner-up in the 2006 Answers In Genesis "War of the Worldviews" contest. I am re-posting it from January.
The Declaration of Independence tells us, “All men are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights…. To secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.”
Karx Marx in contrast believed in Communism, which, he stated, "abolishes eternal truths, it abolishes all religion, and all morality."
Another way to express "unalienable rights" or "eternal truths" is absolutes. In the Christian worldview, these absolutes are exemplified in the Ten Commandments. For instance, “Thou shalt not kill” is the right to life, “Thou shalt not steal” is the right to property and “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor” is the right to a fair trial. Everyone possesses these rights, and these rights are unalienable. They are the moral Law of God.
Societies based on the Christianity as the Bible directs - based on the Biblical absolutes and unalienable rights - have historically been free, republican organisms. This is because government under the Biblical model exists only to protect one from harm. Government is not inherently supreme over its citizens, as it must not overreach God's moral boundaries which apply to everyone.
Christ affirmed this idea when he declared, "Render to Caesar the things which are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's.(Mark 12:17, etc.)" Under the Biblical model, there are some things which positively cannot belong to Caesar.
On the other hand, Evolution teaches that there are no absolutes. Instead, it declares the universe to be one of change and chance, continuously morphing all its inhabitants and their ideals to match the need of the “fittest” race to survive and dominate. Even the idea of fitness eventually becomes ethereal, for Evolution has no prior intention of what fitness should be. “Fitness” is whatever is convenient to the perceived master race.
No individual rights can exist under Evolution. The right to life is contradicted, because Evolution is "each creature for itself." Killing is actually encouraged, because one must destroy rivals if one is to survive. The right to liberty is contradicted, because if enslaving others gives one an Evolutionary advantage, what is to oppose it? The right to property is virtually contradicted, since stealing would arguably give one more resources and energy in the battle for livelihood. The right to a fair trial disappears, as there is no need for justice in a world which knows only randomness and whim.
In short, government as viewed from the Evolutionary perspective creates itself, makes its own rules, and can only exist to dominate. If the State sees fit to grant or loan limited liberty to its weak, scrawny, less-evolved subjects, it is only to make them fall at its feet in gratitude. The State thus empowers itself further. This almighty “fit” State exists not to protect, but to subdue.
The only freedom which the worldview of Evolution grants is a twisted, distorted freedom. It is a freedom for Stalin to drive a sledgehammer into Trotsky’s head. It is a freedom for Hitler to force millions into death camps. It is a freedom for Mao to torture and kill anyone who would even dare to have his hairdo.
Evolutionary naturalism and the relative morality it produces are nothing to be defended. Rather, they should be opposed by anyone appreciating the American heritage of liberty and lawful, composed government.
-R. Josiah Magnuson
Note: The above is a summarization of my research paper which won second runner-up in the 2006 Answers In Genesis "War of the Worldviews" contest. I am re-posting it from January.
Monday, June 11, 2007
LibertyInLaw site working again (almost)
We got the Blogger posting problems fixed for the account here (YES!) but now we need to get the name "" pointing to the right place again. From Jos
YouTube links
Here are the videos of the Aeronautics amendment debate. They are split up since YouTube only lets one post ten-minute segments.
Thanks! From Josiah
Thanks! From Josiah
WE WIN on two issues!
First, the Anti-REAL-ID bill will be signed by our wonderful Governor Mark Sanford tommorrow at 2:30. South Carolina will become the second State in the Union to prohibit implementation of REAL-ID (following Montana)!
Second, the Senate amnesty bill was killed for now.
Praise God! Let's keep working.
From Josiah
Second, the Senate amnesty bill was killed for now.
Praise God! Let's keep working.
From Josiah
Monday, June 04, 2007
LIL Update
We are putting up a YouTube video today of the debate on the Aeronautics amendment to the REAL-ID bill (S. 449). When I get the address for it I will post it here.
We are trying to get the site back up so those who see the video may go there.
I also significantly re-designed the site; it looks really good now. However, for some reason the changes will not publish. Stay tuned! :-)
From Josiah
We are trying to get the site back up so those who see the video may go there.
I also significantly re-designed the site; it looks really good now. However, for some reason the changes will not publish. Stay tuned! :-)
From Josiah
Friday, June 01, 2007
Museum Success, Opposition
The Creation Museum experience was wonderful. Wow! My favorite exhibit was the "Last Adam Theater" - a presentation of the gospel message. I also really liked the big colorful "In the Beginning God" room right before the Creation Walk, and the Noah's Ark scenes, and the Design exhibits in the main hall. Of course, the planetarium and the exciting first-class Special Effects Theater were great too. Oh, and we can't forget the bookstore, cafe, or Palm Plaza snack shop!
The lines were long and thick... they went down and around the front lobby area, out the door, back to the other end of the building, up past the doors again and over into the museum entrance lane area. Turned out at the end of the day that more than four thousand people visited!
Nicely, my Dad had gotten a Charter Membership for me and thus we went to the Members' Express Lane. This lane was probably a twentieth the size of the other, but even so took more than half an hour.
The protest situation was interesting. The sheriff, for whatever reason, had apparently told AiG they would not be allowed to stage a counter-protest to the one the atheists were having ("Rally For Reason"). So the security people came by just as we were about to head out there with our Founding Fathers quotes signs and told us we would not be allowed to park on AiG property if we displayed those signs. The next available parking space we were told was "five miles away," and so we could do nothing. We had to stick the signs back in the car and head to the big Museum line instead.
In any case, I have got four free passes to the Creation Museum that one living around the Greenville, SC area may ask to use by e-mailing me at
-R. Josiah Magnuson
The lines were long and thick... they went down and around the front lobby area, out the door, back to the other end of the building, up past the doors again and over into the museum entrance lane area. Turned out at the end of the day that more than four thousand people visited!
Nicely, my Dad had gotten a Charter Membership for me and thus we went to the Members' Express Lane. This lane was probably a twentieth the size of the other, but even so took more than half an hour.
The protest situation was interesting. The sheriff, for whatever reason, had apparently told AiG they would not be allowed to stage a counter-protest to the one the atheists were having ("Rally For Reason"). So the security people came by just as we were about to head out there with our Founding Fathers quotes signs and told us we would not be allowed to park on AiG property if we displayed those signs. The next available parking space we were told was "five miles away," and so we could do nothing. We had to stick the signs back in the car and head to the big Museum line instead.
In any case, I have got four free passes to the Creation Museum that one living around the Greenville, SC area may ask to use by e-mailing me at
-R. Josiah Magnuson
C of CC
Anne Campbell, a Constitution Party person and president of the Americans for Constitutional Government, has brought to my attention an organization sharing our pro-freedom alliance vision: the Council of Conservative Citizens ( Please check them out and see what you think.
Abolish Gun Control
After the Virginia Tech shooting recently I thought about writing an article here about it, but I didn't feel like I could quite do it justice. Here is an article which does do it justice: and enter "Making Our Schools Safe" in the Search box.
Also, you may purchase the full back issue of The New American for even more, and better, writings on the issue of gun control.
Thanks! From Josiah
Also, you may purchase the full back issue of The New American for even more, and better, writings on the issue of gun control.
Thanks! From Josiah
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