Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Attempt at Ron Paul Publicity

Somebody's being creative. :-D

In order to create a media blitz that every local TV and radio station will report on, we are supporting an initiative to "STAMP OUT FASCISM" on 9/11. Get your Ron Paul stamp and start stamping every thing in sight! The goal is to create such a wave of materials in circulation with the "Ron Paul for PRESIDENT" message. Media sources will have no choice but to report on the phenomenon. Thus, giving Dr. Paul the exposure he needs to be recognized. Stamp it all, money, envelopes, bills, foreheads, but do it all together! (note: it IS completely LEGAL to stamp your money) Order your RON PAUL FOR PRESIDENT stamps by clicking here: http://www.StampRonPaul.com

Make sure you get your stamp before 9/11, because... umm thats the day we want to have millions of dollars and envelopes stamped for Paul!

Get crazy with your stamp! Stamp $100 bills then cash them for $50s stamp those, then cash them for $20s stamp those, cash them for $10s stamp those, cash them for $1s then spend them into circulation!!! Stamp your cash at meetup groups, rallys where ever when ever!!! Remember get them into circulation by 9/11!!!

Restore The Republic, 4 E. Ogden Ave #125, Westmont, Illinois 60559 http://www.restoretherepublic.com/

1 comment:

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