Thursday, March 20, 2008

New tract strategy

Here is an idea for tracts. As most of us probably know, the traditional routes of spreading the gospel on paper are not only usually ignored by their recipients, they often carry a highly simplistic "plan" of salvation which cannot acheive observable results. Thus, a great solution I have found is to use Chick Tracts, small comic-book style booklets which give the gospel in various story forms. These also emphasize personal transformation and obedience to Jesus as Lord.

So what is the new strategy? The idea I have had is to give these tracts not only to unbelievers, but also to Christians who are excited about serving Christ. They as a rule are immediately interested in them, and I can point to the back where the address is where they can order more. They will then also see printed on the back, your church name, or whatever you choose to put there to identify yourself.

One comment though: if someone seems offended at the prospect of distributing the tracts, don't push it. A lot of people have their own favorite kind of evangelism, and some don't even think about it at all. Just let God lead them. Your simple desire to get out the gospel will have an impact. And above all, don't act superior. Be a friend. That is by far the best way to have influence.

Just some thoughts. :-)

From Josiah

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