Friday, August 08, 2008

Museum Trip Details

The much-anticipated “August Answers Adventure” to the Creation Museum is almost here! For those of you who wanted more info on the trip, here are the current details:
  1. Date: August 15-17, 2008
  2. Schedule:
    a. Friday, Aug. 15 – Leave from northern Greenville (location TBA) around 8 or 9 AM, travel until 5 or 6 PM, set up tents and have supper
    b. Saturday, Aug. 16 – Begin Creation Museum tour at 10:30 AM, lunch at Noah’s Ark Café or picnic outside, special events in afternoon
    c. Sunday, Aug. 17 – Travel back
  3. Lodging: Oak Creek Campground / bring tents and sleeping bags, cost will be provided; or, cabins are available (payment required).
  4. Transportation will be provided.
  5. Food: Families in charge; bring bag lunch for Friday noon, minimal snacks if desired for trip. Around $6 per person per meal is a good average.
  6. Admission: Individual payment is encouraged, but will be provided if necessary; we recommend bringing $30-40 to get full benefit of museum plus souvenirs, books, etc. Cost at departure (the YCLA must pay it at the Museum in one transaction for the group rate) is $18.00 per adult, $13.50 per senior and $9.00 per child (five to 12 years old). Children five and under are free.
  7. Rules: By coming along with us, you agree to follow directions of the adults, be kind and respectful to those around you, and not be rowdy when you are supposed to be quiet. Otherwise, just be alert to the learning experiences, and have fun!!!

Any more details will be posted when I have them, or you can contact me at or (864) 420-7933. Important: You must RSVP if you plan to come, if you have not yet. Look forward to seeing you along!

Your friend,

R. Josiah Magnuson

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