Thursday, August 14, 2008

Update!! on YCLA Museum Trip

The Creation Museum trip is now postponed to the weekend of August 29-31. There were a bunch of conflicts in people's schedules for this week and the next, which made it necessary to change the time. That weekend is now the FINAL date. We will not be postponing it again.

All other details are still in place, except that the cost of food is going to be lower than we anticipated (which is good!). We are now thinking meals will be around an average of $4 per meal per person.

Those actually planning to come number at least 20, and adding a bunch more who may come brings it to around 30 as of right now. We will probably end up needing one more van, so if you are in the area (Upstate SC and Western NC) and would like to lend us one, we would definitely appreciate it. Let me know at or (864) 420-7933.

Note that you can go to for the latest info on the trip.

Please also make sure and tell us whether or not you will be coming, if you have expressed interest. You must contact us by Monday, August 25, 2008 if you are planning to participate, but of course the sooner you do, the better. Thanks!

:-) From Josiah

P.S. A great new opportunity we look to have this school year is starting "Answers Clubs" to oppose Evolution in public schools. Please pray for this new outreach!

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