Sunday, July 01, 2007

An Idea

Since the Butch Taylor campaign (and really since I don't know when) I have been thinking about how to get more young people involved in the movement for Worldviews Revolution. As AiG loves to remind people, nearly 80% of Christian kids are non-believers by the time they leave high school. Those who survive usually do so by being taught to compartmentalize; "secular" are these things, those things are "religious."

And so it is a super-small minority who actually exhibit energy regarding Constitutional or scientific or historical issues.

Wouldn't it be great if we could create an organism of young leaders who could actually educate themselves on such things, and then work together in battles of significance? I believe that that is where the real Liberty In Law Coalition must be, rather than with groups of adults who already have their minds made up on solutions and strategies. Indeed, when there are young people involved, it actually mobilizes the others!

The Butch Taylor campaign is a case in point (which is why I seriously started thinking about this because of it). There were only four of us really involved - myself, Stephanie, Rahab, and Moses - but we seemed to generate enormous momentum.

Likewise for the REAL-ID battle. It's not every day that "teenagers" show up at the State House!

I remembered about this concept the other night after talking to David Aguilar about Ron Paul. Lord-willing he and Moses Hackett and I will organize a plan for this thing at the Fourth of July picnic...


-R. Josiah Magnuson

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