Monday, July 16, 2007

YCLA Constitution

The Sections of the YCLA Constitution which can be completed are past the first draft stage. For the governance/direction part, however, we are going to need to do a little more thinking and praying. We also will of course have to consult with Moses.

I think we should have an Organizing Meeting this week sometime. Maybe we could have it if our families pick blueberries on Wednesday.

Here is my current version of the Purpose and Goals:

"Section 1. Purpose

The Young Christian Leaders' Alliance - hereinafter "the YCLA" - shall exist to energize, mobilize, and equip the members and other pro-freedom groups and causes, for the proclamation of the Biblicist worldview and the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Section 2. Goals

The goals of the YCLA shall be as follows:

1. To organize frequent meetings, projects, and creative events for the members, providing accountability and momentum.

2. To exhibit leadership and a Christ-like attitude and character, advancing morale and courage among our families and other spheres of influence.

3. To produce and distribute materials relevant to the principles of the YCLA, for the information and activation of young people outside our group.

4. To be guided as individuals by the direction of God, through prayer, fasting, and reading of His Word.

5. To ultimately create a nerve-center or base to bring together pro-freedom organizations under the common banner of Liberty In Law and the Biblicist worldview."


-R. Josiah Magnuson

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