Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Mission: Church

As we revolve our culture to the Biblical worldview, the idea is more than anything to revolve the Church and Christianity. It seems there are an increasing array of folks who tend to believe in the ecumenical free-for-all position, and another group which is so legalistic they will not tolerate other ideas.

Neither of these are really the best attitude. It is my opinion that we must agree on the foundational principles. In doing so, we must also allow for disagreement on issues which are not foundational.

The YCLA, the LIL Coalition and all our visions and ideas pretty much come down to finding the people who truly have this spirit of Christ and educating them in Biblical supremacy. There are many of them around; and one does not have to believe in the correct Bible version or the Sabbath or musical standards to be such. In other words, these beliefs are not in fact foundational. However, God will eventually present these issues to those who have a heart for Truth.

Because Truth is what makes one Different.

John 8:31-32 If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

-R. Josiah Magnuson

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