Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Propagation for the YCLA...

We had a great time with the Aguilars and Hacketts on Sunday. We assembled with ------ in the morning, ate lunch at the Aguilars' house, and then went to two recitals (Rahab's for organ, and Paul's for violin) in the afternoon.

I and David worked on the design for a newsletter (to be published via email for now).

We were also able to pass out about a dozen brochures to various young people, as well as adults we thought might be interested.

Then today, I received in the mail some business cards from Vistaprint.com. These were the low-quality type, but I was able to get some free premium-quality ones because of my creation of an account with them! Those cards (which look really good) will be coming sometime before the first of November.

Yes! :-) From Josiah

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